Knights Templar of the Philippines

Philippine Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar

L’Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem


The Official Homepage of the Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem, Philippine Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar.

Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem (OTJ)
Philippine Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar (PGCKT)

The OTJ Knights Templar, L’Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem, as its officially known, are a Christian (Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox) fraternal and chivalric Order of Knighthood. Our Order has no Masonic or political affiliations. We are ecumenical, meaning we are not affiliated with any single Christian denomination but represent all of Christendom.

We are a world-wide organization for the fellowship and networking of like-minded individuals. Our Order is organized and registered Internationally under the name “L’Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem”. 

The leader of our Order is S.E., Grand Master General Ronald S. Mangum.

Our Order vows to hold to the virtues of Honesty, Loyalty, Perseverance, Charity, Humility, Courage and Honor. We take our vows seriously and hold each other accountable as our ancient statute prescribes: “Each day we must help our brethren for whom we are responsible, for one day God will say, ‘Where is thy Brother?’”

In contrast to much of today’s society, with people moving from place to place and from relationship to relationship, this Order calls Knights and Dames to live a committed life of purpose under the Godhead Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Historically, the Knights Templar were a Christian order of religious knights founded in 1118 A.D.. Named for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Templars initially protected pilgrims traveling through the Holy Land, but eventually evolved into a powerful military force that waged war to protect the Holy Land during the Crusades.

The reasons Ordre du Temple de Jérusalem Knights Templar exist today are:

  • To spread the light of Christ in an increasingly dark world. Today’s Templars are faced with a spiritual battle instead of a physical one.
  • Practice works of mercy, charity, and benevolence.
  • Act as a force to unify all Christians, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, under the banner of Christ. Today, Christians are under attack by extraordinarily powerful enemies.
    “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” ― Benjamin Franklin
  • Perpetuate the traditions of the Knights Templar by defending Christendom through non-violent means, such as supporting persecuted Christian populations across the world.
  • Live a life of Chivalry and hold each other accountable to a lifestyle of excellence.
  • Promote historical studies, heraldry and the genealogy of the Order.
  • Promote, through the values of friendship, loyalty and respect, feelings of universal brotherhood and ideals of solidarity between all people.

The 12th century Cistercian Abbot, Bernard of Clairvaux wrote, “The Knight Templar is truly a fearless knight and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith just as his body is protected by armor of steel. He is thus doubly armed and needn’t fear neither demons nor men. Not that he fears death–no, he desires it. Why should he fear to live or fear to die when for him to live is Christ, and to die is gain?”


To bring together all Christian faiths with the love of God. Foment peace, love, and unity in a world that has lost faith. Protect God’s words given to us in the form of the scriptures in the Holy Book. As warriors of the faith, bring back trust, humbleness, and respect to the Christian faith.


The Grand Commandery of the Philippines – OTJ is an ecumenical community of Christian Knights whose mission is to demonstrate the benevolent character of God through charitable practices and personal Christian development and to sharpen the character of others as they grow as Christians in the service of our Lord Liege. Jesus Christ uses chivalry and chivalrous virtues as teaching tools.


Here is a short video of the Knights Templar. There are many things said in books and videos of the history of the Knights Templar. Some documentaries with misinformation of who we are as Templars. One thing is very true, we are NON MASONIC, we are Christians in faith with ONLY one creator, THE ALMIGHTY LORD creator of all living. The Templar is alive and well in today’s world following the steps of our fore brothers in protecting the faith in the Lord’s name.


Our Goals
Core Values
Spread the light of Christ in an increasingly dark world.
Promote spiritual and corporal works of mercy, charity and benevolence.
Act as a force to unify all Christians under the banner of Christ.
Perpetuate Knights Templar traditions by defending Christendom.
Live a life of Chivalry and hold each other accountable for excellence.
Promote historical studies, heraldry and the genealogy of the Order.
Promote brotherhood and solidarity among all people through the values ​​of friendship, loyalty and respect.

Our History, Our Tradition and
Our Heritage Continues Today...

Since the founding of our Order, the Knights Templar have been dedicated to protecting and helping all people throughout the world.  Our initial purpose was to protect those making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but trough all of history and time, we have evolved into a modern day Order that focuses of these virtues. 

The Guiding Lights of our Order

• Faith           • Hope           • Love           • Charity

We spread the light of Christ in a dark world – As Christians we are all called upon to spread the Good Word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He came to free our souls and provide a path for eternal happiness in Heaven. Through His sacrifice, we share this good news with people throughout the world seeking to make known His promise and love for us all. 

Perform acts of charity for those in need – Christ expects us to look upon all with love and care and to help in any way that we can. We all are entrusted with many gifts from God – the gift of Time, the gift of Talent and the gift of Treasure. We all possess these gifts in varying degrees and what we do with them, determines whether or not we are carrying out God’s will.

The time that we have on this earth is truly a gift. We are expected to use that time in a way that is pleasing to God. Time is said to be a fleeting part of life and we must stop to reflect on what we do in that time that we have.

The gift of Talent is something that everyone has. We don’t all have the same talents, but those that we do have are given to us with the expectation of using them to help others in need. Whether it’s using our knowledge to enlighten others or utilizing special abilities to ease the strife in someone’s life, our talents are unique gifts that can make a difference in the lives of others.

The treasures that we possess are to be shared with the less fortunate. When we give and share our treasures, we give honor and glory to God who looks upon all with love and compassion. The spirit of giving manifests itself into that same love and caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Perform corporal and spiritual works of  mercy – Both the body and the soul need to be fed and nourished and guided to peace and happiness. The mercy that we show unto others is showing God’s love and mercy for us. We are an extension of that love and kindness when we help others.

Support brothers & sisters in spiritual growth – As individuals, we can do much, but as a society, we can do so much more. We encourage brotherly love and support for one another to aid in growing and sustaining our Order. We grow in mind and spirit when we support each other.  

Care for our fellow man as Christ taught us – Christ was very clear on what’s expected of us. He taught us how we should love each other and what we need to do to inherit life eternal. His teachings are the cornerstone of how to live life and please God.

Spread ecumenical faith throughout the world – We strive to make a difference among all peoples, all cultures and all governments through respect and appreciation. We seek the betterment of humanity through education, world brotherhood, chivalric principles and civil behavior and love for one another

Interested in Becoming a Knight?

There are many advantages of membership.

Among the most rewarding are:

• You will be able to deepen your faith and improve
the quality of your walk with our Lord.

•  You will be helping others in need as you engage in
charitable acts performed by your group.

•  You will experience outstanding fellowship with your brothers and
sisters in Christ and share the values that unite us together.

•  You’ll be spreading the Good News and the Word of our Lord.

•  You will become part of an Order with a strong heritage and
tradition that exemplifies the true spirit of what it means to be a Christian.


Requirements to become a Knight

•  Having turned 18 years of age. Applicants less than 18 may
join as a Squire if a family member is a member of our Order.

•  Being a Professing and practicing Christian.

•  Having the integrity, virtues and the willingness 
to prepare and become a true Knight or Dame.

•  Not having a felony criminal conviction.

•  Having the ability  to understand the spirit of our 
meetings and the work we carry out there.

•  Understanding the laws of the Order and having 
stated a commitment to respect and obey them.


  1. Your latest I.D.
  2. Police Clearance or NBI Clearance or Brgy. Clearance
  3. Letter of Intent: why you would you like to Join the Knights Templar?

Send Documents to:

NOTE: Upon receiving of your application, a formal background check will take place.

If approved, vetting will begin to determine ultimate fit in our Order.

This process can take up to 3 weeks.


Reminder: We do not ask for a joining or membership fee.


Requirements to become a Knight